Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Corner Stone Church Hua-Hin

This is a church in Hua-Hin where Flora and I feel God has called us to serve. Corner Stone Church (no relation with the Corner Stone Church in the US) has been here for 10 years. They have about 40 members and 15 children attending each Sunday. The main building was constructed just over 3 years ago and they are in the process of building a children center. We are praying that Venture maybe apart of this building project.
The pastor is a native Thai and went to bible college in Bangkok. He has no staff and has to do everything on his own including the maintenance of the building and grounds. Please pray for God's direction for us and how he would like us to serve his people at Corner Stone Church.
In His service!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Doing laundry on the bus!

What an adventure we had in Phuket! It was a 9 hour ride from Hua Hin to Phuket in a mini van and an 11 hour bus ride back to Hua Hin the next morning. Before we left we prayed that God would give us confirmation about serving here in Hua Hin. Boy, did he ever! God has shown us that Hua Hin is where he wants us to serve him.

Once we got off our mini van in the north end of the island of Phuket we knew right away that this was not the place for us. There were Tsunami warning signs posted every where. We were all scared and could not even sleep that night. We caught the first "tour" bus back the next morning. That bus ride was an experience we will never forget. There were laundry hanging to dry and the air conditioning unit was leaking water on to the seat. The worst part was the motion sickness of riding in the back of a cramp bus with zigzag roads through the mountains. Eve through up 3 times and we all try to sleep as much as possible so we would not get sick.

If you want to experience how the locals travel then I would recommend this bus ride other wise hire a personal mini van.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Fist week in Thailand

We made it! Praise God we are now in Thailand. It was a smooth 20 hour travel time from LAX to Bangkok International Airport. We spent the first few days in Bangkok at my aunt's house. We visited ECB (Evangelical Church of Bangkok), it's a mega church here and has hundreds of members. We also went to New Song Church. This is the church were Santosh ministered when he was in Thailand.

Our first week was filled with mixed emotions as we get adjusted to the time change and jet lag. We are now in Hua Hin. Most of my family live here and we will most likely plant and settle here. We meet with a Corner Stone Church (no relation to the US Corner Stone) pastor and we feel that this is where God wants us to serve. I will give more details on this later on.

Tomorrow we are headed down to Phuket (an 8 hour drive from Hua Hin). We are going to see Calvary Chapel at the Bridges. They have a ministry there for the tsunami victims.

Please pray for our sponsorship. We are not fully funded yet, but I know God will provide the right people to come along side us. Pray for us to get adjusted to the Thai culture and custom. And pray for God's direction and protection for us as we travel to visit the many different ministries here in Thailand.

In His service!